Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education (ACCCE)

The Church continues the mission of Jesus whose teachings come down to us through the apostles. The ministry
of catechesis serves the Church in this mission.

Catechesis aims to put the faithful in touch and in communion with Jesus Christ in and through His Church. The heart of catechesis is neither a doctrine, nor a moral principle, nor an act of worship, but a Person, the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, who is now present in the celebration of the Word and the Eucharist.

Catechesis, as an integral element of evangelization, is intimately linked with worship and social apostolate. The living out of these dimensions is essential to the maturity of the spiritual life of the faithful. In this context, catechesis precedes pastoral activity and consequently accompanies it.

A solid and effective catechetical program at the parish and
diocesan level should be part of the total pastoral plan.

– Article 22. Orientational Thrust, 3rd Synod of Jaro