Light thrives only in the dark. When everything is bright nothing makes a difference.

The stress of life has made it difficult for the many others to have lived a normal life. The struggle to maintain survival had somehow dimmed a brighter future for the many. The plague is not just focused on the stubborn existence of the virus but, more so, in the lives of the multitude who have been affected by its consequences. Much as you are not exempted from this sad fate, know that you still have the capacity to brighten a forlorn life. Share a light. Don’t hide it. Reach out. The very same gift you give will be reciprocated more because of the unselfishness and kindness you unleash. What a bright world we could have had if one imitates the other to be a spark for those who have lost their rudders. Make no difference. Light up a gloomy life. It may be yours.

It is only when you become a lamp to others that you also brighten your ways to be better.

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