Time flies. What you have today may be gone tomorrow. 

Seize the call to be always good. Oftentimes than not, eulogies speak about praises and goodness. The speech becomes so touching it makes the listeners shed some tears in between sobs but not to the one to whom the piece is being offered. Unluckily, the great offering of words goes to deaf ears of the demise. It could have been spoken if he were just alive to listen to his unknown goodness. Whenever you have the opportunity to show your care, never lose the chance to let your recipient cherish it. It will be an energy boosting. The warmness of your desire that drives you to share your affection towards another may not be that encouraging if postponed for another time. Know that it is always the devil’s strategy to delay every wish of goodness to be done. God wants you to be his heart. Seize his call. The reality of your greatness can only be manifested when you share your goodness.

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