Live free. Breathe smoothly. No amount of your face mask can ever suffocate God’s love you’ve asked.

Feel that inner joy of having to live in the abode of truthfulness. When you dwell in the truth of your mind, be freed from the malice of your thoughts. When you freed yourself from unforgiveness, no amount of anger and hatred can drown your desire for a better relationship. As you loosen the bond of your selfishness, be freed from greed that held you captive of being egoistic, as you will lead yourself to becoming altruistic. Never worry about what to come, but enjoy the present true moments of whatever you can do with your bare hands. When you become contented of every simple good acts you’ve done, true happiness will suffice your every need of joy which you wished could have had long begun.

Live in the truthfulness of your heart, and set yourself free from any hurt

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