It always feels nice when you are in the right track. Being faithful to the road signs you see will never let you out of the way.
Recognize the right road you’re trodding. It can only have its smoothness when it all leads to God. Much as you are engrossed to pampering yourself with your whims, the farther you’ll swerve from God’s direction to the right path. The closer you indulge yourself to his will, the nearer you will approach the destination you so desire. Cease to adhere other voices that leads to your bodily pleasure but abhorrent to the sanity of your soul. Rather, center your attention to the less inaudible voice of God that will lead you to the right journey. Listen not to how others would praise you, lest you become paranoid of self-adoration, but feel rather the vibration of how God has wanted you to follow him to walk humbly in his way. The silence of your humility becomes the voice of your strength that will make you gently submissive to his divine will. The love of God which makes you feel best is the very same love he wants you to share among the rest.
Keep God’s ways alive in your heart and your life will never keep apart.