Mind your life. There’s more that you can notice to change for the better than commenting on how others would live their own. Avoid all means to talk about others’ flaws. Know that there may be more that you’ve got. Seek for something positive and indulge yourself in affirmation that brings about inspiration rather than rejection. You may haven’t known how others would struggle to survive their ordeals and you are in no way to add more burdens to their shoulders. Never be stressed over things you cannot control but allow God to take over others’ miseries through your respect for them. Use every opportunity to convert one’s sad fate into becoming a joy; one’s frustration into a hope; one’s selfishness into selflessness; one’s despair into determination; and one’s anger into forgiveness and love. Never allow the action of others to decrease your good attitude, because this represents yourself and not of someone else. Take out the speck from your eyes first, so that you will see the goodness of others.

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