"My strength comes from you, oh Lord..."

Move on. Be practical. Don't allow your pains to hold you hostage of bitterness. It's easy to journey when nothing holds you back. It is inevitable that in the many times of your life you have fallen and commit mistakes. Undoubtedly, these were the moments that you were able to rise and learn some lessons to take. You're human and not perfect, you've been hurt but you are still alive. So, never let pain and sadness run your life. Never let this world make you bitter. Never let the actions of other people turn you cold from the inside but allow them to become your strength to face the difficult times of your life. You can never know how strong you are unless tested. Never be ashamed of the scars your pains had left you. Scars are your trophies of triumphs over wounds that had already healed, that had taught you a lesson, and that had made you move forward. Your scar is God's sign of his grace for you, as he never left you. God has always loved you.The marks of your pains in the past will be marks of your strength that will always last.

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