When one becomes grateful of what he has in his life, contentment defines his whole attitude.
Happiness is derived from appreciating simple things that come to your life and much more in bigger ones. It builds up an attitude of bearing a wholesome personality that radiates lightness to other’s perception. God has been wanting you to become a bearer of his joy to inspire and not to despair, to strengthen and not to weaken, to build and not to destroy, to be faithful and not to abandon, and to accompany each journey of a soul who had lost his way towards him, that he may seek his presence. Be thankful in being generous enough to share a smile. A lot of those who meet your eyes needed that. Your grateful disposition resonates a good vibration in letting others feel God’s goodness in you. No amount of trembling atmosphere can ever overcome an ambience of having someone sharing a happy fellowship with you.
Your smile is your inherent gift. It costs nothing save a show of your teeth.

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