Be a law of attraction yourself. Though you may consider yourself the unlike pole, be glad to be lured on by those who like you.
Be a magnet of love for others to hold on fast to you. It calls about your simplicity in life but full of vibrance and joy that makes you attractive. People are tired of life’s complexities and they need to be refreshed by your smiles, by your laughs, by your jokes, by your being talkative, by your warm touch, by your understanding, by your compassionate companionship, and by being a lightheartedness. Fall in love with yourself, for it is only through then that you will be able to understand other’s need of affection which God wants you to suffice. You don’t need a degree to be a person of joy. People may forget your good deeds but they will always remember the gladness you brought to their hearts.
The joy you bring among others will be the very same joy you will always enjoy.